Victoria’s Music Venues Implement A ‘No QR, No Entry’ Policy To Combat Restrictions

Image source: Corner Hotel, Melbourne

Image source: Corner Hotel, Melbourne

Music venues across Victoria have banned together to roll out a proactive measure to combat disparities in restrictions between indoor non-seated venues and other industries/social settings.

Initiated by the Save Our Scene collective, the NO QR, NO ENTRY policy will be launching across the state in the coming days. Save Our Scene and Music Victoria are working together to ensure that music venues have a QR code check-in rate of 100%. This would enable fast contact tracing in the case of an outbreak and make live music one of the safest and most compliant industries in the state.

"We know that QR Code compliance is a big piece of the puzzle. We’re stepping up to show Health that music venues and music fans can be trusted to do the right thing."
– Simone Ubaldi, Venue Booker, The Croxton Bandroom; Manager, Amyl and the Sniffers.

“As an industry, we are doing and will continue to do whatever is asked of us from Health in order to create safe environments for artists and audiences. That is number one priority, not just during COVID times but always.”
–Correne Wilkie, Manager, The Cat Empire and Boy & Bear.

In addition to this new policy, music venues have a second line of defence, through their ticketing system. The team at Moshtix have worked hard to implement mandatory Track and Trace fields, for not only the ticket purchaser – but for each guest.

Mandatory track and trace fields now available to be implemented across Moshtix events.

Mandatory track and trace fields now available to be implemented across Moshtix events.

"It’s in everyone’s best interest to have good contact tracing –especially with the delay in vaccine rollout – but for music venues –it’s our chance to prove that we are absolutely serious about working with the health department."
– Ben Thompson, Venue Booker, 170 Russell

The Victorian live music sector contributes over $1.7 billion per year 2 in GDP (including ancillary spending by patrons) and on an annual basis, 116,000 full-time equivalent jobs are created through live music with every $1 spent on live music returning $3 in value.

Save Our Scene and Music Victoria urges live music audiences to get behind this campaign. For anyone seeking further information regarding Moshtix implementing additional requirements for track and trace data during the ticket purchase, this function will be available to all venues shortly. If you wish to utalise this function immediately please get in contact with your Client Manager.

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